Welcome to the new Flaxmere Primary School Website

Whāia te iti kahurangi. Ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei.

Ko Kahuraanaki, Ruahine, Kaweka me Kohinerākau ngā maunga.
Ko Ngaruroro te awa.
Ko Takitimu te waka.
Ko Te Aranga te Marae.
Ko Kahikatea, Rātā, Totara, Kauri, Nikau, Vasega ole Gagana Sāmoa ngā whānau. Ko Pāharakeke te kura.
Ko Robyn Isaacson te tumuaki.

Te Kura o Pāharakeke, Flaxmere Primary School, is located west of Hastings and has 450 children in Years 1 to 8. Over two thirds of the roll identify as Māori. Twenty three percent are of Pacific heritage and include Sāmoan, Cook Island Māori, Tongan, Kiribati, Tuvalu, as well as children from the Philippines, Nigeria, Korea, Australia and European children. 

Our TOA Matrix

"The school enjoys strong community support, responding appropriately to the cultural backgrounds of children through establishing respectful relationships, whanaungatanga, is given priority. The valued outcomes identified by the school are based on ‘tamariki being empowered and inspired to be their best, be well and become lifelong learners’. These are linked to clearly identified ‘TOA’ expectations for a ‘victorious child’: ‘Kia Toa - Be Your Best, Kia Ora - Be Well, Kia Ako - Be a Learner’. Desired outcomes are explicitly described in graduate profiles linked to each learning pathway."  

ERO review  2019

Keep up to date!

Enrolment Information

We encourage whānau to come and meet the Principal with your child when you are interested in enrolling your child in our kura. You will receive an enrolment pack to complete.  Our admin ladies will guide you through the process.

  • No fees

  • No compulsory uniform. However, you can purchase a school t-shirt and hoodie if you choose. Order these anytime through the office. 

  • Free stationery

  • Morning tea and lunches provided at no cost

  • Devices are provided to support learning

  • Free camps and trips

  • No sports fees

  • No technology fees